Saturday, April 14, 2018

You come naturally to me

Like taking a breath, you come naturally to me.
When I was young I wanted the thrills.
Now I know, it was all forced.
Like coming home, you are comfortable to me.
I used to love the chase, the uncertainty.
Now I've learned, it's better to know.
Like falling asleep, you just happened to me.
Before I made one-sided plans for myself.
Now I am learning to take a step at a time.
Like you and me, I wouldn't change a thing.
Like taking a breath, like coming home.
You come naturally to me.

I Can't Write About You

I can't write about you.
You make me comfortable.
You don't drive me crazy.
You don't break my heart.
I can't write about you.
It feels natural with you.
We aren't kids anymore.
This isn't puppy love.
I can't write about you.
I know where we stand.
You don't leave me guessing.
You don't play games.
I can't write about you.
Not because you are less.
Not because you are worse.
Just because this is good.
I can't write about you.
But I'm glad.
Let's just live it instead.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Between Consciousness and Sleep

The moments between consciousness and sleep.
As I start to slip away into dreams.
Those few moments my mind is not guarded.
It doesn’t care about what I should or should not want.
In the moments I watch my dreams like a movie in my mind.
I’m a spectator to hopes I don’t acknowledge.
Desires are revealed that will be denied in the morning.
My subconscious admits things that I won’t in the light of day.
But these things are allowed in these moments.
I’m lulled to sleep by the melody of hidden wishes.
I drift off to the story that my heart has written.
I know I won’t accept it in the morning.
For now I embrace it in secret.
The moments between consciousness and sleep.
I dream of you and me.
But I’ll deny it in the morning.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

I Lie to Myself

I lie to myself.
I have told these before.
I fight the inevitable.
Eventually it will happen.
Someday I will fall again.
I can't leap like I once could.
It has never ended well.
How can I jump again?
He wasn't there to catch me.
I lie to myself.
I won't fall again.
I was left alone to pick up the pieces.
Eventually it will happen.
Someday I will fall.
How can I jump again?
I lie to myself.
I have told these before.
I will not fall again.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

I Saw Time Slow

Everyone is laughing when time slows.
His eyes meet mine.
He's caught me admiring him.
I'm afraid he can see it in my eyes.
I want to look away, to conceal my thoughts.
But I want to hold his gaze a moment longer.
I wonder what he sees in my eyes.
Does he admire my smile as I do his?
I admonish myself for daring the hope.
He only happened to catch my gaze.
Could the laughter in his eyes be something more?
I need to look away.
I don't want him to read my eyes.
I tear my brown away from his blue.
My heart finishes skipping its beat.
Time resumes its normal pace.
Everyone is still laughing.
Only I saw time slow.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Petty Girls

Pretty smiles, petty girls. Fun laughter, fake people.
Pretend to care, pity me. False friendship, keep it.
Listen closely, lies whispered. Good times, gossip loudly.
People come and go. Drop anyone you want.
Really love, really lying. Silly moments, staged memories.
Put on a good show. Two faces are too few.
Shoulder to cry on, stab in the back. Open arms, open mouth.
Young at heart, never grow up. Boasting in immaturity.
Pretty smiles, petty girls.

For H.G.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Poetry Analysis

Don't put words to what I left unsaid.
Don't define what I left abstract.
Don't make concrete what I left ambiguous.
Don't voice feelings I left silent.
You don't know my thoughts.
You don't understand my mind.
Don't take the soul out of my words.
Don't analyze what I meant to be enjoyed.
You can't capture poetry in a formula.
You can't scrutinize what is meant to be felt.
Don't pick apart what I put together.
Don't put words to what I left unsaid.