Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Find Myself Laughing

Endless joy is what I find in your presence.
I find myself laughing when I'm sad.
You brighten my spirit like the sun on a rainy day.
I'll feel as burdened as a rock and you make me feel like a trouble free bubble.
You're like rain to a flower after a drought.
You brighten the world just by being you.
I'll be sad and crying when you come along.
I find myself laughing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Don't Cry

Don't cry.
With every tear that runs down your cheek is like a stab in my heart.
For each tear you shed I will shed ten more.
Every sob that escapes your mouth is like a slap in the face.
Every broken piece of your heart breaks mine.
Every cloudy sky for you gives me a storm.
But every sunshine for you gives me spring time.
So don't cry.
It breaks my heart for you to shed just one tear.
But you mend it with every smile.

I love you

I love you.
Why do those words means so much?
They're the same as any other word.
Why should it matter what sounds my voice make or words my mouth forms?
Why do these words mean romance, faithfulness, and companionship?
Why do they sometimes have as much meaning to us as the word "it"?
Why do they sometimes mean the world to us?
They're just words.
Or are they?
These words have been said so many times in so many ways since the beginning of time.
Je t'aime, ich liebe dich, te amo, te quiero, ti amo, te iubesc.
I didn't know why until know.
I love you.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Heart of Stone

Skin cold as ice.
Eyes sharp and cruel.
Mouth speaking words of hate.
The very air around him is as cold and dark as his soul.
He takes in long skeptical breaths though it brings no comfort.
His chest is still and quiet.
No warm thumping of a heart.
This heart wont beat for it has grown so hard it cannot.
Bitterness has over ruled this humanly form of life and warmth.
Those who met him hate and pity him at once.
They hate the man with no soul, warmth, or gentleness.
The pity the man with no love, home, or hope.
The despise the man with the heart of stone.

The Magical Melody

Soft and sweet the notes play.
Dancing in my head.
Gracefully and elegantly.
Lightly and magically like pixie dust.
Joined by the long and flowing notes.
They play in beautiful harmony.
Playing lightly around each other.
Working beautifully together like the hot,
blazing sun and the cool, graceful wind.
They float softly in the air.
Like a fragile bubble.
Then sadly they stop.
Leaving nothing but the haunting vibrations
left in the air by this magical melody.

One Tear

One tear ran down my face.
Like a raindrop on my window.
That one tear held all the heart break, the memories,
 the sleepless nights, and the pain.
Every day spent in misery, every moment I spent acting like everything was okay.
Nothing was okay.
For every night I lie in my bed and let agony have me.
Misery and agony ripping through me like a double-edge sword.
Ripping and tearing my heart.
That single tear fell to the ground like a raindrop.
I was blank with nothing to show for but a wet trail down my cheek from one tear.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

That Moment Ended

He was sweet.
He was funny.
He was cute.
He smiled and my heart skipped a beat.
We walked and laughed and wished upon stars.
He told me a secret that I promised not to tell.
For that moment sitting in my bed, heart pounding contently, I was the happiest I had ever been.
That moment ended.
Like a shooting star or a beautiful sunset it was a glimpse of him.
A beautiful moment.
Before I realized it he had broken the heart that I willingly gave to him.
And like that, the moment ended.

What Bothers Me

The sound of a hundred frogs croaking loudly.
This bothers me.
The itch on my legs when I'm trying to sleep.
This bothers me.
Honey bees and flies buzzing around me.
This bothers me.
The screech when a fork scrapes across a plate.
This bothers me.
The wind blowing everything out of my hands.
This bothers me.
Ice that makes you slip at the smallest movement.
This bothers me.
When the one I love breaks me heart but I still love them.
This bothers me.

Warm Light

Warm light.
It touches my skin so softly I barely notice.
Soft warmth that brightens my heart.
It touches my face and dries my tears.
Like a flower I turn almost involuntarily towards this warm light.
My toes touch the soft white sand.
It's warm on my feet.
The cold water washes up to my toes.
The smell of salt water and sun screen touches my nose.
The sound of sea gulls floats to my ears.
The waves rolling towards me then dying down.
Peace and warmth.
The soothing sound of the waves.
The warm light.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Black and White Melody

Black and white stretched out in front of me.
Melodies dancing in my head.
I touch a key, then another.
Music is flowing.
Tender notes quiver softly in the air.
Sweetly touching my heart.
Then rage poured out onto the keys.
The hard chords and sharp notes slicing through the silence.
The melody continued to flow beautifully shaking the air.
My fingers moved swiftly across the black and white keys.
They came down hard once, then once more they softly touched the keys.
This soft note hung in the air sweetly until my ears rang with silence.
The sweet song was done.

Where Quiet Birds Sing

Calm river.
Still trees.
Quiet birds singing soft lullabies.
Tall, green grass filled with pink and purple wild flowers.
Soft yellow light coming down between the leaves.
A white wooden bridge.
Willow trees with branches that almost touch the water.
A small row boat floating among the lily pads.
A woman in a pink sundress with white lace and a white hat that hides her face.
Her brown short curls and pink lips can be seen under her hat
by a tall man in a white suit with dark hair and blue eyes.
Peace and quiet serenity can be found in this happy scene.
This can only be found by a calm river and still trees where quiet birds sing.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Calm or Crazy

Roaring, pouring, misting, foaming waterfalls.
Icy blue water falls into the river below foaming white.
I can feel the mist on my face casting rainbows over the bottom of the roaring falls.
The rocks around this commotion are all but blocked from view by the large bellow of white water.
The contrast of the still rocks to the gushing water is enormous.
All of this roaring, pouring, and gushing leads to a calm, cool river.
This calm water filled with fish and surrounded by green grass, tall trees, and flowers.
Calm and quiet.
hectic and loud.
All the same water coming from the same place.
Yet all beautiful.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Open Curtain

The hum of a hundred whispers.
The swish of long skirts.
The light tapping of soft shoes on the shining black floor.
The thumping hearts of nervous people.
The sound of people kissing each others cheeks for good luck.
Then everything goes still.
A loud voice speaks announcing names and titles.
The sudden opening of the thick red curtain is startling.
Blinding white lights it our eyes.
The music thundering in the speakers.
The hundreds of eyes staring up at us are all but hidden in the darkness.
The dance has begun.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Starlight, Star Bright

Starlight, star bright.
Shining far away.
Sparkling and shining magically above my head.
I lie in the soft green grass and watch this magical sparkle from a magicless world.
Glittering, twinkling, sparkling, shining.
Like pixie dust strewn across the dark sky giving light to this dark world.
Like a spark of hope that this place isn't as dark and wonderless as it seems.
Then a splendor of light shoots across the sky as I gaze in awe of the beauty.
I close my eyes tight and wish for more magical beauty here on earth.
Somewhere in the world someone fell in love answering my wish.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Little Black Dress

The little black dress.
The long-stemmed, red roses.
The sunset picnic.
The firelight kisses.
The poetry whispered in her ear.
The candle lit dinner.
The sung love songs.
The slow waltz while sipping red wine.
The three whispered words of love.
The kissed hand while he tells her she's beautiful.
The words of charm he uses to make her laugh and sigh.
It started with a little black dress and ended with a long white one.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Red Rose

I was handed a red rose.
Each petal perfectly red and smooth.
The stem was long and deep green.
There were no thorns.
The most perfect rose I had ever seen.
I lifted it to my nose and smelled it.
It smelled more sweet than anything I had ever smelled before.
Like sugar but sweeter and as rich as chocolate.
The petals were as smooth as silk and as soft as velvet.
As red as a drop of blood.
As light as a down feather.
As romantic as a sunset or candles.
More romantic than any love song or poem.
Three words were whispered in my ear and I was handed a red rose.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Red. Pink. Orange. Purple. Blue.
Streaks. Swirls. Bursts.
Beauty far beyond words.
No picture or painting could do it justice.
Colors more amazing than any flower or fruit.
Light brighter than any light bulb or flame.
Strokes of beauty in every detail.
It's getting smaller but more beautiful.
The colors are deeper than any ocean and brighter than any star.
More graceful than any dancer, more entrancing than any song.
A glimpse of the most beauty in all creation then nothing.
The sun has set and the beauty is gone.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Race

My ears are ringing.
My heart is pounding.
My breath coming in gasps.
The clock is ticking and I can't make it stop.
I'm running.
My legs burning and my feet screaming in pain.
I can't stop.
I wont stop.
Running, ticking, pounding, burning, gasping.
Can't stop.
Racing against time.
My legs wont move any faster but my heart is willing for them to.
It seems a thousand miles away.
The clock is moving faster than me.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
Tha, thump, tha, thump.
Have to keep moving but my lungs are on fire.
I hear the chime.
I keep moving but I know it's too late.
I've lost the race.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Can Hear the Rain

I can hear the rain.
Dropping on my roof, dripping on my window pane.
It glows on the pavement as I look out my window.
It sings me to sleep when music can't.
It mimics my tears as I think of you.
It falls, it splashes, it drips, it drops, it heals my broken heart.
It touches my skin like ice but it warms me.
It forms rings as it falls into puddles.
It is my lullaby.
Its friends thunder and lightning comfort me.
They act as a safe haven.
I curl up in my bed and look out the window when they come to say hello.
I walk down the street and lay in the grass as the rain falls down on me.
Falling, splashing, dripping, dropping, healing my heart.
The sun has come out to dry my wet skin but I can still hear the rain.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


They're everywhere.
Looking, gazing, peeking.
But these are different:
in the sun they shine like melting gold,
but in the shade they are like an aqua lake.
These eyes don't see the outward look, they see your soul.
Like glass you see right through them,
but at the same time they are deep as the sea and full of mystery.
What are these beautiful spheres that see my heart and soul, that pierce my very being, that make my knees go weak?
They are the most amazing thing I've ever seen but the strangest.
They melt my heart when I think of them.
They are graceful and elegant, yet hard and cold.
Sweet like melting honey, yet bitter with all the memories they give me.
Like a glass lake, yet like a shallow pool.
Full of wonders and thoughts that you almost read, yet hard and full of mystery.
They give me life, and yet take it away.
Eyes: full of beauty and mystery.