Sunday, March 18, 2018

Between Consciousness and Sleep

The moments between consciousness and sleep.
As I start to slip away into dreams.
Those few moments my mind is not guarded.
It doesn’t care about what I should or should not want.
In the moments I watch my dreams like a movie in my mind.
I’m a spectator to hopes I don’t acknowledge.
Desires are revealed that will be denied in the morning.
My subconscious admits things that I won’t in the light of day.
But these things are allowed in these moments.
I’m lulled to sleep by the melody of hidden wishes.
I drift off to the story that my heart has written.
I know I won’t accept it in the morning.
For now I embrace it in secret.
The moments between consciousness and sleep.
I dream of you and me.
But I’ll deny it in the morning.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

I Lie to Myself

I lie to myself.
I have told these before.
I fight the inevitable.
Eventually it will happen.
Someday I will fall again.
I can't leap like I once could.
It has never ended well.
How can I jump again?
He wasn't there to catch me.
I lie to myself.
I won't fall again.
I was left alone to pick up the pieces.
Eventually it will happen.
Someday I will fall.
How can I jump again?
I lie to myself.
I have told these before.
I will not fall again.