Tuesday, August 12, 2014

When My Darling Said Goodbye

Canceled plans.
Broken promises.
Laughter silenced.
Sunlight dimmed.
Memories made painful.
Love turned to grief.
Hellos to goodbyes.
Hopes become false.
Friendship ended.
Joy becomes heartbreak.
When my darling said goodbye.
Because my darling said goodbye.


Shouting into nothing, praying you will hear me.
If you heard my voice in the distance would you be glad?
Perhaps you are doing the same but I cannot hear you.
If that is true, shout louder, I need to hear your voice.
Or maybe you stopped shouting and stopped listening.
I pray that isn't true.
I cannot bear to think that it is over for you.
I have to hope you are listening for me.
My voice is gone but I will never stop shouting.
Maybe someday you will hear my whisper.


How do you know where your home is?
Is it where you grew up?
Is it with your family?
Can it be be more than one place?
Can you make any place home?
Does anyone truly have one?
Or does everyone?
Is it where you have the happiest memories?
Is it where memories are yet to be made?
Where is home?
How do you know if you have one?

How Strange a Feeling

How strange a feeling, when your future becomes your present.
All that you have been planning, waiting for, arrives.
The time has come so fast but passed so slow.
You couldn't wait for this time but now you wish you didn't have to go.
Suddenly the past is more desirable than what was your future.
It is almost like none of it is happening, like a dream.
Once a kid wishing for the future, now an adult dreaming of the past.
How strange a feeling, when your future becomes your present.


Time ticks by.
Slowly, painfully.
My heart thumping.
Like the chime of a grandfather clock.
The thumps and ticks get louder.
I am all too aware of the passing time.
Whether silence or noise around me.
All I hear is the thumping, the ticking.
No peace, just time passing.
Chimes like a grandfather clock, telling me my time is up.
We ran out of time.
Now, the thumping, the ticking.
Wishing I could have time back.
I wait for nothing as time ticks by.
Slowly, painfully.
Chimes of grandfather clocks.